Category: Workshop Reports

Founding of the Association vevon

On 21 and 22 January 2023, relatives of people persecuted by the Nazis as »asocials« and »career criminals« attended a meeting in Nuremberg. This was a historic gathering: those present founded an…

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Event with Alfons L. Ims

On 31 July 2022 an event was held to launch the book »Eine ›asoziale‹ Pfälzer Familie. Wie in der NS-Zeit aus einem Sozialfall moralische Minderwertigkeit gemacht wurde« (»An ›Asocial‹ Family from the…

People were defined as »asocial« and faced persecution if they did not fit into the »national community« (»Volksgemeinschaft«) under Nazism. The groups affected were primarily the unemployed, the homeless, prostitutes or non-conformist youth. They were accused of posing a danger to society. The welfare authorities, justice system and police were among the institutions which worked together to persecute these individuals. They created a dense network of surveillance and compulsory measures.

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